This statement was released by the Indian Community Actvists’ Network (ICAN) on July 5, 2021.

Father Stan Swamy passed away today in a Mumbai hospital. His death is no ordinary death; it is an unspeakable crime by the state; a slow and painful murder in full public view. It was the height of misuse of state power to incarcerate a terminally sick old man on false charges.
He was a friend and advisor to all activists who wanted to help the indigenous people of Central India.
Tribal belt, and understand the root cause of the under-development of the richest natural resources in India. An 84 year old prisoner, gravely ill, slowly murdered by the State, in full public view.
This is a sad day for the country. What a great and compassionate nation we have become. The largest democracy in the world could not tolerate a courageous, non-violent voice and ultimately silenced it. Many others like father Stan Swamy are still incarcerating in jail in connection with a trumped up Elgar Parishad case. After the Delhi High Court granted bail to young anti-NRC activists Supreme Court, even as it upheld the High Court order, refused to make it a precedence which can be quoted, and took upon itself to look into the UAPA provisions. We hope the death of Father Stan Swamy will stir the conscience of the honourable judges of the apex court in the interest of democracy.
We demand apology from the state and immediate release of all persons imprisoned for political reasons.